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This way you don’t have to ping me to request my latest works or thoughts on things. They will just show up. Isn’t that amazing? I’ve been in the film and media trenches for over 20 years. Insight. Stories. Wisdom to share. Yeah, I got none of that. Just tears. Lots of tears. No, really. You’ll get some of those things.

You’ll also get to enjoy fresh fiction, humor, mystery, sci-fi, drama… You name it. I write it. Except maybe erotica. What is that, anyway? Forget I asked.

Movie recommends and series too. Probably the best-seller of all I can offer. Because, let’s face it, movie nights have become dreaded “scrolling through way too many eye-burning-options” nights, true?

Truth is another good thing I like to discuss. Let’s be honest. Here.

Thanks for giving this a try. Nothing ventured, nothing totally wasted, like your precious time, right?

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Subscribe to Words are Mightier

An encouraging word, a literal grin. A mystery of life or murder mystery. Recommends on books and films or foods, sneak peeks at a sci-fi or streaming series I'm working on. Expect the unexpected here, but rely on a bit of fun, a touch of salt and light.


I'm a screenwriter and fiction writer. I also write things like shopping lists and notes to loved ones. I've learned all words matter and hope the words we share here make the day a little bit brighter.